14 Maplewood Ave, Pittsfield, MA 01201 413-445-4503
More About Us
We are YOUR community action agency at work in Berkshire County.
We are committed to community programming that provides responsive approaches to the core needs of Berkshire County residents, and forges solutions to help people reach their fullest potential, making Berkshire County a better place to live in the process.
BCAC Programs:
Community Programming
- Children's Warm Clothing Program
- Food Security Programs
Financial Stability Programs
- C.A.R.s (Community Action Rides)
- Micro-loan Fund
- Rep Payee Program
- S.U.R.G.E. (Savings Up Resources for Growth and Empowerment)
- VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance)
Financial Emergency Assistance
- Emergency Assistance and Referral Program
- Emergency Food and Shelter Program